Tax & Regulatory
Taxation in India broadly refers to the Income Tax laws which involve personal tax, corporate tax, minimum alternate tax, capital gains tax, international tax and transfer pricing. We offer services in each of the above mentioned areas of tax and regulatory.
Audit & Assurance
Our audit and assurances service offerings are based on a complete understanding of the clients’ business specifics, industry peculiarities and the applicable laws. The audit approach is based on the compliance issues, the nature and requirement for audit, the clients’ requirement and key risk issues involved.
Advisory Services
We offer multi disciplinary advisory services to clients in its main areas of practice i.e. taxation and regulatory, audit and assurance and company law. Besides the firm also offers advisory solutions on partnership and LLP laws, societies and trusts laws, exchange control regulations, employee benefit regulations etc..
Corporate Law Services
We offers corporate law and secretarial services in fields ranging from incorporation of corporate entities & LLPs, assistance in maintaining prescribed records, filing of annual returns, conducting meetings of the Board of Directors and advising and representing the clients in corporate litigation at Company Law Board matters through an in-house qualified persons.
Financing & Loan Syndication
A well drafted Detailed Project Report will ensure easy approval of the requested credit facilities. So an experienced Financial Professional with good writing, presentation and financial analysis skill must prepare the Detailed Project Report. We have an experience in financial professionals who syndicated bank loans for hundreds of business.
Legal & Financial Due Diligence
Financial DD aims to provide a thorough understanding of all the company’s financials, including, but not restricted to, audited financial statements for the last three years, recent unaudited financial statements with comparable statements of the last year, the company’s projections and basis of such projections, capital expenditure plan, schedule of inventory, debtors and creditors, etc.

We offer fast and reliable services in the field
- Audit & Assurance
- Direct & Indirect Taxation
- Management Consultancy Services
- Corporate Law Advisory
- Business Consultancy
- Debt Syndication & Legal Deeds and Drafting
The firm also has tie-ups for the service of Cost Accountants, Company Secretaries and Advocates as consultants on assignment basis. Apart from our compliance work we will seek to advise our clients in areas concerning general administration, systems, best practice of industry and new initiatives and techniques.

CA Manish Binani
Chartered Accountant & a Company Secretary. He started his practice in 2012 & he is the founder partner of Manish Binani & Associates. He is a Fellow Member (FCA) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and passed B.Com from Gujarat University. He has also completed the Certificate Course on Concurrent Audit in 2016.

CA Shilpa Agarwal
Qualified as Chartered Accountant in year 2017. She started her practice as a partner in the Manish Binani & Associates. She is ambitious & holding the qualification of LLB & B.Com from Gujarat university.